1111 E Ocean Ave Suite 11
Lompoc, CA 93436

Comprehensive Exams

“Comprehensive” takes on a whole new meaning at the dental office of Dr. Dane Dudley in Lompoc! Your first visit to our office includes a comprehensive dental visit that goes well beyond X-rays and cleaning.

We get some information from you about your medical and dental history and talk with you about your dental care routines at home. We’ll chart your existing fillings or other restorations and take digital X-rays and intraoral pictures to help us diagnose any current or potential problems you might experience.

We’ll also create a chart of the gum tissue around each tooth to check for any signs of gum disease, also called periodontal disease. We’ll keep this chart as a benchmark when you come in for checkups.

We’ll finish up with a thorough cleaning and a fluoride treatment if you need it.